Feb 12, 2025  
2012-2013 Academic Catalog 
2012-2013 Academic Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]


Since its establishment in July 2000, Southwest has melded the legacies of two institutions into a twenty-first century college that truly is “greater than the sum of its parts.” Southwest’s various locations make getting a degree more convenient. The College’s two main campuses serve a population of more than 650,000 residents in a five-mile radius of either location.

Macon Cove Campus
5983 Macon Cove
Memphis, TN 38134
(901) 333-4000

Southwest’s intensive technology programs are based at the Macon Cove Campus, located off the I-40 and I-240 expressways in the eastern part of the city. The campus hosts multiple partnerships, alliances, licensing and certification programs, service grants, and extensive computer training facilities that serve both students and community. Macon Cove’s 100-acre campus offers a suburban ambiance, enhanced by a quiet lake that provides year-round habitat to flocks of ducks and other waterfowl.

Union Avenue Campus
737 Union Avenue
Memphis, TN 38103
(901) 333-5000

Convenient to downtown and Midtown Memphis, the Union Avenue Campus hosts allied health sciences and nursing programs and a fine arts program complete with a well-equipped theater. The Union Avenue Campus is the original home of the Saluqi men’s and women’s basketball teams, which have brought national attention to the College over the years and much enjoyment to students and other local sports fans. The intercollegiate sports program includes men’s baseball and women’s softball teams, which also have fielded top teams.

With various locations throughout Shelby and Fayette Counties, higher education through Southwest is very accessible.

Fayette Site
121 West Court Square
Somerville, TN 38068
(901) 466-7656

Gill Center
3833 Mountain Terrace
Memphis, TN 38127
(901) 333-5970

Maxine A. Smith Center
8800 East Shelby Drive
Memphis, TN 38125
(901) 333-6005

Millington Center
6500 Navy Road
Millington, TN 38053
(901) 333-4030

Whitehaven Center
3035 Directors Row, Building 6
Memphis, TN 38131
(901) 333-6450

Southwest offers more than 100 university transfer and career degree programs, and more than 20 technical certificate programs for fast career entry-level skills. Greatly expanded technological capability reaches into every corner of the College, including registration and classes via Internet, intra-college communications, and programs that give students skills for careers that are new today or coming tomorrow.

Directions to Southwest campuses, centers and sites can be found at www.southwest.tn.edu or by calling (901) 333-5000 or the toll free number 1 (877) 717-7822.


Southwest is the comprehensive, multi-cultural, public, open access college whose mission is to anticipate and respond to the educational needs of students, employers, and communities in Shelby and Fayette counties and the surrounding Mid-South region. The College provides citizens with an effective teaching and learning environment designed to raise educational levels, enhance economic development, and enrich personal lives.

To fulfill its multipurpose mission, the College:

  • Offers a broad range of learning opportunities in technical, career, general, transfer, developmental and continuing education
  • Offers associate degrees, certificates, and courses to prepare students for employment, career advancement, personal enrichment and college and university transfer
  • Increases educational access through technology-assisted instruction, distance learning opportunities and multiple locations
  • Initiates partnerships and public service activities for workforce development and lifelong learning throughout the community
  • Implements articulation agreements and collaborative activities with high schools, technology centers, colleges and universities
  • Attracts and retains diverse faculty, staff and students
  • Delivers effective academic programs, student support services, and administrative services through quality personnel, current technology, and continual planning, evaluation and improvement

Implementation of Mission

Implementation of this mission requires specific activities carefully designed to ensure that the mission is accomplished. These activities are grounded in the College’s basic values and are continually evaluated and improved. As a current implementation strategy, the College:

  • Offers Associate of Applied Science, Associate of Arts, and Associate of Science degrees, technical certificate programs, and courses that prepare students for transfer, employment, and career advancement in areas that include allied health sciences, nursing, business, computer technologies, criminal justice, education, and engineering and related technologies, while continually developing new programs in emerging fields
  • Offers a general education program to improve student communication and mathematical skills, critical thinking, cultural awareness and personal and civic responsibility
  • Provides customized training, specialized courses, continuing education and assessment services to meet personal, career, and workforce development needs
  • Provides developmental education to strengthen basic academic skills
  • Offers an Honors Program for creative and academically talented students
  • Develops articulation agreements and collaborative activities with high schools, technology centers, colleges, and universities to ensure smooth educational transitions for students
  • Develops and sustains effective partnerships with business, industry, and community agencies to foster economic development and workforce preparation
  • Initiates public service activities and educational collaboratives dedicated to lifelong learning and the improvement of the community at large
  • Creates opportunities for enrichment and personal growth through social, cultural/artistic, multi-cultural, and athletic activities
  • Utilizes technology reflecting current business and industry standards
  • Provides student support services to increase opportunities for success
  • Promotes academic excellence by supporting effective learning with quality instruction, a free exchange of ideas, and enhanced educational experiences through honors programs


As a college community, the faculty and staff of Southwest commit to the following values as guides for their professional practice:

  • Learning
  • Student success
  • Academic excellence
  • The uniqueness and worth of each individual
  • Dedicated faculty and staff
  • Responsible learners
  • Diversity
  • Personalized instruction and hands-on learning
  • Open communication, teamwork and participatory management
  • Academic freedom
  • Ethical and professional behavior
  • Community involvement
  • Continuous improvement


Southwest will become the college of choice and a national model for technical, career, and transfer education by fostering student success, transforming lives and strengthening the diverse community.

Quality Enhancement Plan

“Sharing Responsibility: A Plan for Improving Student Learning at Southwest Tennessee Community College”

Southwest’s Quality Enhancement Program (QEP) supports and emphasizes student responsibility for learning and the attainment of critical learning outcomes. Student academic success is strongly dependent upon how well each student understands what is expected, what should be attained and how to participate responsibly in the learning endeavor.

As the QEP title indicates, the responsibility for improving student learning is shared jointly by three groups: faculty members, administrators, and students. Faculty must analyze their programs to provide students with appropriate goals, expectations and guidance. College administration and student support services must provide appropriate support for faculty and student efforts. Students must then understand course and program goals, participate actively in class, and demonstrate appropriate learning behaviors.


Southwest offers its diverse student population such advantages as:

  • Fully accredited programs
  • Small class sizes
  • Quality faculty
  • Nominal costs
  • Open and early admissions
  • Broad range of degree programs
  • Broad range of certificate programs
  • Accessibility through multiple campuses, centers and teaching locations
  • Advanced studies through an Honors Program
  • Strong program of academic developmental services

Comprehensive Support Services

  • Strong Distance Education programs with many online and split/hybrid offerings
  • Special programs in fine arts, criminal justice, the allied health sciences, nursing, information technologies, engineering technologies, automotive technology and business studies
  • A variety of non-credit continuing education courses offered throughout the year
  • A variety of workshops and seminars on various topics
  • The Corporate Training & Continuing Education Center provides business, industry and individuals with hands-on training and skills.