Services for Business
One of Southwest’s highest priorities is helping local area businesses meet their commercial training needs. The College works closely with various Chambers of Commerce, the Local Workforce Investment Board, Tennessee Industrial Training Service, and the Memphis/Shelby and Fayette counties economic and development teams that recruit prospective companies to the region. Training is coordinated and closely aligned with these organizations and their strategic planning and recruitment efforts. Each training course or program is practical, up-to-date, customized to the specific customer training needs, and is offered at competitive prices, on-site or at a choice of locations, and delivered utilizing flexible schedules that are the customer’s choice.
Starting and Sustaining A Small Business
(901) 333-5085
Southwest, in cooperation with the U.S. Small Business Administration, U.S. Department of Agriculture, State of Tennessee, and the City of Memphis, hosts and supports in Shelby and Fayette counties, the Tennessee Small Business Development Center (TSBDC). The TSBDC provides in-depth, high-quality assistance to promote growth, expansion, innovation, increased production and improved management for businesses with sales of five million ($5,000,000) dollars or less, and no more, than 500 employees.
The TSBDC provides business counseling and advice by appointment for problem-solving in organizational marketing, finance, technical problems and other areas of business. The TSBDC helps business start-ups with assistance with business plans; accounting and records; personnel; inventory control; selling to government entities, marketing, and marketing research. Specific assistance is available to assist businesses in locating financing, solving technical problems and technology transfer issues as well as to foster growth, innovation and increased productivity.
Supporting Business and Workforce Development
Corporate Training and Continuing Education
(901) 333-4207
To improve profitability and productivity, and in order to adapt to the ever-changing market place, businesses need a way for their employees to enhance their knowledge and skills. The Corporate Training and Continuing Education Department at Southwest provides customized training and services in a wide variety of training areas and at times and locations to meet your company’s needs. In addition to customized training, the Corporate Training and Continuing Education Department also offers a wide variety of regularly scheduled workforce and personal development classes.
Here are a few of the training categories available:
- ACT and GED Exam Preparation
- Building, Manufacturing, and Industrial
- Business and Commerce
- Computers
- Green/Renewable Energy
- Health and Medical
- Languages
- Leadership, Management and Supervision
- Occupational Safety and Environmental Health
- Quality, Process Improvement and Productivity
Business Services
(901) 333-6456
Services include instructional support that allows employers to design customized training programs to address employee skill gaps; and research and reporting that allow employers to review and analyze data to identify trends and make fact-based decisions. Also available are job profiling, certified assessments, research/reporting, and KeyTrain System.
Mid-South Quality-Productivity Center (MSQPC)
(901) 543-3530
The Mid-South Quality-Productivity Center (MSQPC) is a partnership between the college and the Greater Memphis Chamber. Since it’s inception in 1988, MSQPC has conducted quality training for hundreds of businesses and organizations in Memphis, the Mid-South Region, nationally and globally. MSQPC serves as a clearinghouse for a vast array of individual quality productivity programs, and frequently delivers custom tailored training to clients. With a renewed focus on Healthcare, Education, Manufacturing and Service, MSQPC provides Baldrige-based assessments, Lean Six Sigma instruction, benchmarking, knowledge management and innovative training and consulting with an aim of championing market excellence.
Training and consulting areas include:
- Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award assessments and assessment training
- Process Activated Training System® (PATS)
- ISO and Internal Audition
- Lean Six Sigma (Yellow, Green and Black Belt)
- Franklin Covey Training
- Root Cause Analysis
- Educational Consulting
Services for Targeted Groups
Southwest is unique because it has a commitment to providing a comprehensive array of services and programs to all segments of the community.
Certified Professional Secretary (CPS) Program
Upon successful completion of the CPS examination, the student will be eligible for 19 hours of college credit toward the Office Technology A.A.S. degree, if he/she has completed at least nine credit hours at Southwest and is currently enrolled in a program of study leading to a degree. A record of the CPS examination scores, award of the CPS certificate, and a written request for award of credit must be provided to the Office of Admissions, Records and Recruitment. The courses for which credit will be awarded are:
Tennessee Small Business Development Center (TSBDC)
Recognizing that small business is the economic backbone of the state of Tennessee, the Tennessee Small Business Development Center’s mission is to be the premier provider of quality solutions to potential and existing small businesses’ needs through consultation, education, referral, and support services. By providing these services through its interactive network of resource partners, the TSBDC promotes growth and prosperity in the domestic and international markets of the business community and enhances its economic impact on the state of Tennessee. Learn more at
Upward Bound - College Prep for Eligible High School Students
(901) 333-5117
Upward Bound is a pre-college educational program funded by the U.S. Department of Education which assists eligible students in their efforts to successfully complete high school and obtain a college education. Upward Bound provides high school students with comprehensive educational services specifically designed to enhance learning and to heighten self-confidence.
Eligible participants must be enrolled in ninth or tenth grade and attend one of the following high schools:
- Martin Luther King, Jr. Preparatory Academy (MLK)
- Hamilton
- Manassas
- Northside