Mar 28, 2025  
2024-2025 Academic Catalog 
2024-2025 Academic Catalog

(901) 333-5924

Southwest Tennessee Community College pledges to follow the AACRAO ethics statement.  It is as follows:

AACRAO Admissions Ethics Statement

Professional Practices and Ethical Standards

The American Association of Collegiate Registrars and Admissions Officers (AACRAO) is concerned with the advancement of postsecondary education and the standards and conduct of those professionals who are involved at all levels. To provide guidance to these professionals, AACRAO has adopted the following principles which exemplify those qualities and attributes that distinguish members of the association both past and present. AACRAO members shall:

  • Believe in and be loyal to the philosophy and goals of the profession and the institutions we serve
  • Understand and respect the civil and human rights and responsibilities of all individuals
  • Adhere to the principles of nondiscrimination and equality without regard to race, color
  • Represent an institutional or association perspective without vested interests or personal
  • Initiate policies that support the goals of our profession
  • Assert ourselves when policies or practices are proposed that seem to be contrary to the
  • Participate in and contribute to professional activities and their development to ensure
  • Communicate an accurate interpretation of our institutions’ admissions criteria,
  • Assist in improving educational standards and methods of evaluation at the institutional,
  • Understand and appreciate the dynamics of interpersonal relationships when dealing
  • Develop and implement effective management systems that will ensure integrity,
  • Dedicate ourselves to the ideals and principles that will enable students to develop their
  • Practice honesty and integrity in our professions and in our lives.

Admission to Southwest is open to all people who can benefit from a post-secondary education. Southwest students represent a variety of ages and cultures, adding to the richness of a Southwest education. Southwest accepts applications throughout the year.

Students may attend day, evening, or weekend classes offered at any of Southwest’s locations. Students may enroll full-time or part-time when admitted to one of the following categories:

  • Degree-seeking
    This student is seeking a certificate or an associate degree.
  • Non-Degree
    This is a student who is not seeking a degree. A non-degree student is not eligible to receive federal financial aid. A non-degree student who wishes to change to degree-seeking status must meet all admission requirements.
  • Transfer
  • This student has attended another college or university and is seeking a degree at Southwest Tennessee Community College.
  • Transient                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      A transient student (visiting) is one who is currently attending another college who plans to enroll at Southwest for one semester and return to the home institution. (The student must apply every semester)  A transient student is not eligible to receive financial aid through Southwest.

Admission Requirements for Prospective Students

Misrepresentation of academic credentials constitutes a Class A misdemeanor under Tennessee Code Annotated, Section 49-7-133.

New First-Time Freshman

A first-time freshman is defined as an entering freshman who has not attended college as a regular college student, who has earned or will earn prior to enrollment either a high school diploma or its equivalent (GED or HiSet). This includes students who enroll in the fall term who attended college for the first time in the prior summer term.  Also includes students who enter with advanced standing-college credits earned before graduation from high school (dual enrollment).  Note: Applicants with Certificate of Achievement diplomas are not eligible for admission to certificate and degree-granting programs.

Requirements:  Most admission documents and forms needed to complete the application process can be uploaded to the admissions website.  Go to

  • Application for Admission: Submit a completed admissions application via the Web at
  • High school transcript or GED/HiSet Scores: Arrange for your official high school transcript that includes a distribution of college preparatory courses, or GED/HiSet scores to be sent directly to the Admissions Office.  Note:  Students still in high school may submit partial transcripts for the purpose of granting conditional acceptance.  Official transcripts must be sent directly from the school once student has graduated.  Students must have earned a regular high school diploma or its equivalent.
  • Immunization Requirements:  Applicants who are younger than 18 must have a parent or guardian sign the required immunization health history form. The completed form can be uploaded here. For further details regarding immunization requirements, please visit
  • Proof of Citizenship:  Students interested in enrolling at a college or university in Tennessee and wish to receive any form of state or federal benefits must provide documentation that proves they are eligible to receive benefits according to the Tennessee Eligibility Verification for Entitlements Act (EVEA).  Ways to prove citizenship eligibility can be found at
  • Testing Requirements and Academic Placement:  For placement purposes, the high school GPA (not over five years) will be used to place students in college-level courses.  All new first-time freshmen who graduated from high school over five (5) years ago, or who have earned a GED or HiSet, must take the AccuPlacer placement test through the Testing Center.  While ACT (American College Test) or SAT Scholastic Aptitude Test) scores are not required, it is highly recommended that students with high sub-scores on English, Math, and Reading submit them.

Transfer Student

A transfer student is one who has previously enrolled in a postsecondary institution and wants to transfer to Southwest.  Unless permitted by special programs, transfer coursework will be accepted for credit only from regionally-accredited institutions.  Transfer articulation will be performed for degree-seeking students from official transcripts.

Requirements: Most admission documents and forms needed to complete the application process can be uploaded to the admissions website.  Go to

  • Application for Admission:  Submit a completed admissions application via the Web at
  • High school transcript or GED/HiSet Scores:  Arrange for official high school transcript or GED/HiSet scores to be sent to the Admissions Office.  Note:  Transfer students who have earned an associate or bachelor’s degree from a regionally-accredited institution are exempt from submitting high school transcripts or GED/HiSet scores.
  • Official College Transcripts:  Arrange for official college transcripts from all prior colleges to be sent to the Admissions Office.  Transcripts are required even if credits appear on another transcript.  Transcripts are also required even if credits earned are not applicable to student’s current program of study.  

​     ​Notes:  An official transcript is one that is issued to, and sent directly to Southwest Admissions.  Transcripts that are marked “Issued to Student” are considered unofficial.

     Failure to disclose all previous college enrollments could result in your status being re-evaluated.

Students unable to obtain official transcripts due to indebtedness are not eligible to enroll at Southwest as degree-seeking.  If you have an outstanding balance at another Tennessee institution, check to see if the school participates in the Student Promise-to-Pay program which may allow you to make pay arrangements and obtain your official transcript.  (Contact the Bursar’s office for details).

  • Proof of Citizenship:  Students interested in enrolling at a college or university in Tennessee and wish to receive any form of state or federal benefits must provide documentation that proves they are eligible to receive benefits according to the Tennessee Eligibility Verification for Entitlements Act (EVEA).  Ways to prove citizenship eligibility can be found at

Note:  Transfer students on suspension from another institution are not eligible to enroll at Southwest during a regular semester (spring or fall) until the suspension period has expired or if an appeal through Southwest’s academic appeal committee is approved.

Non-Degree-Seeking Student

A non-degree seeking student is one who is simply taking classes here, but does not desire to earn a degree from Southwest.  Non-degree seeking students are not eligible to receive financial aid through Southwest.

Requirements:  Most admission documents and forms needed to complete the application process can be uploaded to the admissions website.  Go to

  • Application for Admission:  Submit a completed admissions application via the Web at
  • Immunization Requirements: Applicants who are younger than 18 must have a parent or guardian sign the required immunization health history form. The completed form can be uploaded here. For further details regarding immunization requirements, please visit
  • Proof of Citizenship:  Students interested in enrolling at a college or university in Tennessee and wish to receive any form of state or federal benefits must provide documentation that proves they are eligible to receive benefits according to the Tennessee Eligibility Verification for Entitlements Act (EVEA).  Ways to prove citizenship eligibility can be found at
  • Proof of Pre-requisites:  Student must provide proof of successful completion of course prerequisites for desired courses (i.e. college transcript, ACT scores, etc.).

Transient Student

A transient student (visiting) is one who is currently attending another college who plans to enroll at Southwest for one semester and return to the home institution. (The student must apply every semester)  A transient student is not eligible to receive financial aid through Southwest.

Requirements:  Most admission documents and forms needed to complete the application process can be uploaded to the admissions website.  Go to

  • Application for Admission:  Submit a completed admissions application via the Web at
  • Immunization Requirements: Applicants who are younger than 18 must have a parent or guardian sign the required immunization health history form. The completed form can be uploaded here. For further details regarding immunization requirements, please visit
  • Proof of Citizenship:  Students interested in enrolling at a college or university in Tennessee and wish to receive any form of state or federal benefits must provide documentation that proves they are eligible to receive benefits according to the Tennessee Eligibility Verification for Entitlements Act (EVEA).  Ways to prove citizenship eligibility can be found at
  • Approval of Course(s) Registration:  Transient (visiting) students must provide a letter (Course Approval for Transient Students form) from their home institution indicating approved course(s) for which the student may register, or obtain departmental approval from Southwest.  Transient students may also show proof of course prerequisite by submitting an unofficial college transcript.  The unofficial transcript can be uploaded here.

Audit and No-Credit Admission

Students may be admitted for the purpose of auditing courses or to take credit courses on a no-credit basis.  Admission may be limited or denied based on the availability of space in the individual classroom.

Test Score Requirements and Academic Placement

For placement purposes, the high school GPA (not over five years) will be used to place students in college-level courses.  All new first-time freshmen who graduated from high school over five (5) years ago, or who have earned a GED or HiSet, must take the AccuPlacer placement test through the Testing Center.  While ACT (American College Test) or SAT Scholastic Aptitude Test) scores are not required, it is highly recommended that students with high sub-scores on English, Math, and Reading submit them.


Southwest requires new students to participate in new student orientation (NSO) which provides an introduction to the College experience, including academic advising, college support services, transfer, job opportunities, and student life.  You can expect to learn about Title IX, FERPA, Financial Aid, and the College’s Alcohol and Drug Policies during the session.  New Student Orientation can be done online or in person.

Readmitted Students

A student who has previously been enrolled at Southwest but has not attended for a regular semester (spring or fall) must submit an application for readmission.  Each readmitted degree-seeking applicant must submit official transcripts from all institutions attended during the period of non-enrollment at Southwest.

Degree-seeking student must have all credentials on file prior to being readmitted.  Prior to 2011, Southwest did not maintain admission for more than five (5) years.  Students applying for readmission after five years from initial attendance may be required to re-submit all transcripts.  Additionally, if a prior college enrollment was not listed on the admission application, student will be required to resubmit the official transcript.

Dual Enrollment Program for High School Students
(901) 333-4251

  1. Eligible students must be enrolled as 9th, 10th, 11th, or 12th grade students in a Tennessee public secondary, non-public secondary, or in a home education program.  
  2. You must have your parent/s or legal guardian’s approval.  
  3. You must have your guidance counselor and/or principal’s approval.  
  4. After approval, you must complete the Southwest “online application.”  
  5. Submit ACT Scores, High School transcripts or acceptable placement to determine eligibility to take college level courses.  
  6. You must complete and submit the Dual Enrollment Program Participation Agreement, Dual Enrollment Student Data Form, and the Immunization Health History Form to your high school dual enrollment coordinator or umbrella home school for submission to our office. See the instructions below based upon your high school choice.  
    1. If you attend a Shelby County School, you must submit documents to the SCS Dual Enrollment Office. Please contact them at 901-416-5465 for assistance.  
    2. If you attend an Umbrella home school (such as Homelife Academy, Faith Heritage, etc.), please submit your documents to that office. Please contact them directly.  
    3. If you attend a homeschool without an umbrella school, please submit your documents to the Southwest Tennessee Community College Dual Enrollment Office. Please contact us at 901-333-4251 for assistance. 

Complete TSAC Dual Enrollment Grant. (Please note that 11th and 12th grade students are eligible to be covered by the grant. For students who have completed the 10th grade, the cost would be covered either by the parent/guardian/contributor or the district

High school students currently attending an accredited public or private high school or home school affiliate, may “jump start” their college education and even complete a college degree while simultaneously earning a high school diploma through the Dual Enrollment Program.

Dual Enrollment

Benefits of the Dual Enrollment Program

  • Enriches the course opportunities for outstanding high school students
  • Shortens the time to attain a college degree
  • Saves students and parents money
  • Provides students with college credit
  • Earns grades which will become part of the student’s permanent college transcript


  1. 9th or 10th graders must have a cumulative high school grade point average of 3.2 based on a 4.0 scale or the equivalent and a letter of recommendation from the applicant’s high school principal.
  2. Students must meet course requirements for courses in which they wish to enroll.

Procedures for Enrolling

To be enrolled in the Dual Enrollment Program, an applicant must:

  1. Discuss interest in dual enrollment with parent or legal guardian and high school guidance counselor.
  2. Complete the Southwest online application.
  3. Submit the following documentation to the Dual Enrollment Office:
  • Dual Enrollment Student Data Form
  • Dual Enrollment Program Participation Agreement
  • Immunization Health History Form
  • High School Transcript
  • ACT or SAT Scores
  1. Be advised by the designated high school representative of course enrollment.
  2. Meet course requirements for courses for which they wish to enroll.

Dual Enrollment students are governed by the same guidelines as regular Southwest students.  They will be classified as non-degree seeking. After receiving a high school diploma or General Education Development (GED) certificate or HiSet, students desiring to become degree-seeking must complete a new first-time freshman online application for admission. 

The Tennessee Dual Enrollment Lottery Grant

Eleventh and 12th graders who are dually enrolled may be eligible for the Tennessee Dual Enrollment Lottery Grant. The Dual Enrollment Grant program is a grant for study at an eligible postsecondary institution that is funded from net proceeds of the state lottery and awarded to students who are attending high school and who are also enrolled in college courses at eligible postsecondary institutions for which they will receive college credit.

For more information regarding eligibility and the application process for the Tennessee Dual Enrollment Lottery Grant, visit the website listed above.

Senior Citizens or Students with Disabilities

A Tennessee resident 60 years of age or older or a permanently disabled Tennessee resident may audit courses without paying any maintenance fees. However, the student will be assessed a $10 application fee (if not previously paid), a $15 international educational fee, and a $10 campus access fee. Maintenance fees for RODP courses will be waived; however, online fees are not waived under this waiver program. Students meeting these criteria must register during late registration.

A Tennessee resident 65 years of age or older, or a permanently disabled resident may take classes for credit at a reduced charge of fifty percent per credit hour with a maximum of $70, plus a $10 application fee (if not previously paid), a $15 international educational fee, and a $10 campus access fee. Elderly/disabled students enrolling in RODP courses will be assessed separate maintenance fees per home institution in addition to regular credit courses. These fees can exceed $70. Online fees for RODP courses are not reduced under this waiver program. Students meeting these criteria can register for classes no earlier than four (4) weeks prior to the first day of the term. For dates, go to Cashier’s Office.

Admission of International Students
(901) 333-4399

Southwest welcomes international students and values their contribution to enhancing the cultural diversity of the College. Southwest is authorized to issue the Form I-20 - Certificate of Eligibility for Nonimmigrant Student Status - to apply for an F-1 Visa.  Students are admitted before the beginning of each semester, year-round. Most international students transfer to four-year colleges after completing their studies at Southwest. 

Requirements:  Most admission documents and forms needed to complete the application process can be uploaded to the admissions website.  Go to

  • Application for Admission: Submit a completed admissions application via the Web at
  • Application Fee:  A one-time, non-refundable $30 application fee will be added to the student’s account
  • Transcripts: Submit high school and college transcripts.  All foreign transcripts, must be translated into English and evaluated for U.S. equivalent.  We will accept official high school and college transcripts from any foreign credential evaluator found at National Association of Credential Evaluation Services (NACES).  It is the responsibility of the student to contact the evaluation service.  For college transcript, student should request a course-by-course evaluation.  Please be aware that these services will charge a fee to the student.
  • Proof of English Proficiency (Required if English is not native language):
    • Submit Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) - minimum internet based score of 61, or 
    • Submit a minimum IELTS score of at least 6.0,or
    • Submit a minimum PTE score of at least 50, or
    • Submit proof of successful completion of an ESL program.

    International applicants must take an English placement examination prior to registration if there is no supporting academic credit from another U.S. institution.

  • Affidavit of Financial Support: Provide a financial statement which is evidence of financial capability to pay registration fees, non-resident fees, living and other expenses.  Complete the International Student Financial Support Form and submit it along with the bank statement.  Funding from a banking institution must show a closing balance in USD.
  • Immunization Requirements:  Submit proof of immunization with two doses of Measles, Mumps, Rubella (MMR) vaccines and the Certification of Freedom from Tuberculosis.  Effective July 1, 2011, students born after January 1, 1980, must provide proof of immunization with two doses against Varicella (chicken pox) vaccines.
  • TB Tine Certification of Freedom from Tuberculosis:  All international non-immigrant students applying for admission pursuant to a student visa shall submit within thirty (30) days from the first day of classes a certificate from a licensed physician or other qualified medical authority verifying freedom from tuberculosis.
  • Immunization Requirements:  Applicants who are younger than 18 must have a parent or guardian sign the required immunization health history form. The completed form can be uploaded here. For further details regarding immunization requirements, please visit
  • Testing Requirements and Academic Placement:  For placement purposes, the high school GPA (not over five (5) years) will be used to place students in college-level courses.  All new first-time freshmen who graduated from high school over five (5) years ago , or who have earned a GED  or HiSet, must take the AccuPlacer placement test through the Testing Center.  While ACT (American College Test) or SAT (Scholastic Aptitude Test) are not required, it is highly recommended that students with high sub-scores on English, Math, and Reading submit them. 
  • Proof of Health Insurance:  International students are required to purchase health insurance and provide proof of insurance each semester.  Students may select their own insurance provider, or they may opt to use the Tennessee Board of Regents (TBR) Health Insurance Plan.  Details and other plan materials can be found at International Student Protection.  Locate your school’s name on the dropdown list.  If you have questions about medical benefits or claims, please call Relation Insurance Services at 1-888-388-0931.


Residency, for the purpose of fee payment, is considered to be the permanent domicile of an applicant. Information provided on the online admissions application will be used to determine the initial residency classification of a student. Any student who is classified as a non-resident, but who claims to be a resident, must submit an “Application for Residency Classification” form which is available in the Records Offices and provide documented evidence to prove the claim.

Eligibility for In-state Fee Rate

Employed in Tennessee

Non-residents who are employed full-time in Tennessee and enrolled part-time may pay the in-state rate. The non-resident must provide documentation from the employer on company letterhead that verifies full-time employment. This documentation must be submitted each term of enrollment. Non-residents who wish to enroll full-time must pay out-of-state tuition.

Border States

Residents of Crittenden or Mississippi counties in Arkansas or DeSoto or Marshall Counties in Mississippi may enroll full- or part-time and may be considered for a Non-Resident Tuition Waiver. A limited number of fee waiver slots are available each term. The form is available in the Records office and must be completed after registering for courses each semester of enrollment.

Criteria for Admission to Specialized or Limited-Enrollment Programs

Being admitted to Southwest does not guarantee admission to specialized or limited-enrollment programs. The College has specific admission policies and procedures for admission of students to these programs: Dietetic Technician, Medical Laboratory Technician, Laboratory Phlebotomy Technician, Pharmacy Technician, Physical Therapist Assistant, Paramedic, Radiologic Technology, Biotechnology Technician, Biotechnology Forensic Science, and Nursing.  Students are advised to visit their special program of interest for requirements and application deadlines.

Limitations are based upon selective criteria appropriate to each program and apply equally to all prospective students. However, preference for admission, when all else is equal, is given to residents of the state of Tennessee (see the catalog section of each program for specific admission requirements).