Feb 10, 2025  
2017-2018 Academic Catalog 
2017-2018 Academic Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Academic Standards

Grading System

Southwest uses a point grading system ranging from 0.0 to 4.0. The academic performance level of each student is designated on the transcript by a letter grade which has an assigned point value. Grades earned are determined by instructors at the end of each semester and are recorded on the student’s transcript which is maintained by the Admissions and Records Office.

Grades used in calculating the Grade Point Average (GPA)

Grade Quality Points Designated  
Per Credit Hour Level Performance  
A 4 Excellent  
B 3 Good  
C 2 Average  
D 1 Poor  
F 0 Failing  
FA 0 Stopped Attending  

The following grades are not used in calculating the grade point average:

P Passing
  Used for special courses or to indicate completed courses by an alternative method
S Satisfactory
  Used for special courses or to indicate that the student meets sufficient standards for credit to be earned through an alternative method
U Unsatisfactory
  Used for special courses or to indicate that the student does not meet sufficient standards for credit to be earned through an alternative method
ES Credit-By-Examination Satisfactory
EU Credit-By-Examination Unsatisfactory
E Credit given for experiential learning, portfolio satisfactory
W Withdrawal
  Used to indicate that the student officially withdrew from the course
I Incomplete
  Used to indicate that the student has not completed the courses due to extenuating circumstances and he/she is being allowed an opportunity to complete the work because of previous satisfactory performance. The student must complete the work by the deadline published in the academic calendar, or the “I” grade will change to an “F” grade.
AU Audit
X No grade submitted

Good Standing

Students must meet the following standards for continued enrollment in good standing with the College.

Credit Hours Minimum GPA  
00.0 - 14 No Minimum  
14.1 - 26 1.0  
26.1 - 40 1.4  
40.1 - 48 1.7  
48.1 - 56 1.9  
56.1 - and above 2.0  

Academic Probation

A student whose cumulative (combined) GPA falls below the minimum required standard for good standing will be placed on academic probation for the subsequent term of enrollment. Students on academic probation may enroll and are encouraged to contact their advisor during the semester of probation to develop a plan for academic success. Students on academic probation must see an advisor prior to registration. Students on academic probation may not register for the subsequent semester prior to the end of their probationary term.

Academic Suspension

A student who either fails at the end of the probationary term to meet minimum required standards for good standing or fails to earn at least a 2.0 GPA during the probationary term will be suspended for one regular semester. The summer term is not counted as a regular semester. Students suspended in spring may not enroll for summer or fall. Students may appeal the suspension status to the Appeals Committee.

Appeal of Academic Suspension

A student who has extenuating circumstances may appeal the academic suspension and be readmitted upon the recommendation of the Appeals Committee. A student wishing to appeal must complete the Readmission Appeal form and submit it to the Advising no later than seven (7) business days prior to the first day of classes. The late registration fee will be waived for students approved to readmit.

Transfer and Transient Students

Transfer and transient students who have been suspended from a previous institution may not enroll until the period of one regular semester has expired. The summer term is not counted as a regular semester. Students may request an exception to the policy and be admitted on probation upon the recommendation of the Appeals Committee.

Academic Fresh Start

Students who have at one time attended a college or university but have not been enrolled for at least four years may be eligible for degree admission under the provisions of Southwest’s Academic Fresh Start. As the name implies, Academic Fresh Start allows the individual to begin his or her college-level studies anew and without consideration of past academic performance. The following conditions pertain:

  • Students may apply for a fresh start at the time of admissions or readmission as a degree seeking student, in consultation with an advisor in the Advising, detailing their academic plan.
  • It is highly recommended that students see an advisor or counselor to discuss the Academic Fresh Start prior to enrollment. Veterans applying for benefits and financial aid applicants must notify the appropriate office before making application for Academic Fresh Start to determine how financial benefits may be affected.
  • Once granted, Academic Fresh Start is irrevocable and will be noted on the student’s official transcript and permanent academic record. Academic Fresh Start can only be granted once.
  • Courses with a failing grade previously attempted or completed at Southwest or at any higher education institution accepted in transfer will continue to appear on the student’s official transcript, but they will not be included in the calculation of the student’s grade point average nor can they be used to satisfy any course requirement.
  • In granting Academic Fresh Start, Southwest gives no assurance or warranty that transcripts will be accepted by any other higher education institution at which the student may later enroll.

Academic Standards for Allied Health Sciences and Nursing Programs

The satisfactory progress and retention standards for students enrolled in Allied Health Sciences and Nursing programs are listed in the Allied Health Sciences and Nursing sections of this catalog.